Daily Devotions


Day 173

Psalm 106:46a "He also made them to be pitied..."

Day 173 – Psalm 106

“He also made them to be pitied…” Psalm 106:46a


The mercies of God enabled the children of Israel to experience special favour from their enemies. The enemies who hated the children of Israel (Psalm 106:41) could have annihilated them. But Divine mercy extended saw them preserved somehow.

“He also made them to be pitied
By all those who carried them away captive.”
Psalm 106:46

1. “Moved to pity”

We have a clear statement about the pity that the Lord showed the children of Israel when they came under oppression.

“For the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning
Because of those who oppressed them and harassed them.”
Judges 2:18c

a) The Lord Himself was moved to pity.
b) He felt for the children of Israel when they were under oppression.

2. He also made them to be pitied

a) The Midianites oppressed Israel (Judges 6).
b) But Jael, the wife of Heber came to the rescue of the children of Israel (Judges 4).
i) Israel was under oppression of Jabin, king of the Canaanites at that time.
ii) Deborah was the judge who fought King Jabin.
iii) The commander of Jabin’s army was Sisera.
iv) Sisera lost a major battle against the children of Israel and was in retreat.
v) He thought that he would find some refuge among the Midianites.
vi) He was assassinated by Jael, the wife of Heber.
vii) This was a significant act of pity shown to the children of Israel.

3. “Because of those who oppressed them and harassed them”

a) There must have been other kind acts of pity though they were not recorded.
b) Divine mercy resulted in pity shown to the children of Israel in their hour of need.