Daily Devotions


Day 192

Psalm 107:22a "Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving..."

Day 192 – Psalm 107

“Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving…” Psalm 107:22a


It was God Himself who gave to Israel a profoundly deep system of offering sacrifices. Each sacrifice made was meant to enrich the faith and life of the worshipper (Book of Leviticus). Sadly, Israel did not appreciate the sacrificial system. After a while, the sacrificial system became mere ritualism. The prophet Isaiah was one who spoke against offering ritualistic sacrifices (Isaiah 1:12-15).


The psalmist offers an important glimpse of what lay behind the Old Testament sacrificial system.

“Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving,
And declare His works with rejoicing.”
Psalm 107:22

1. “Let them sacrifice”

a) This was not an attempt to do away with the OT sacrificial system.
b) The sacrificial system was still valid.

2. Sacrifices of thanksgiving in Israel

a) Each sacrifice was to be offered with thanksgiving in the heart.
b) Only when the heart is truly filled with thanksgiving would the sacrifices be received by God.

3. Sacrifices of thanksgiving in a foreign land

a) If sacrifices were offered in a foreign land, the prescribed Levitical sacrifices would be impossible to follow.
b) A priest would have to be present.
c) Animal sacrifices would have to be offered.
d) Sacrifices of thanksgiving would be a valid way of worshipping God.

4. “And declare His works with rejoicing”

a) This is equivalent to bearing testimony for the Lord.
b) This is speaking up and declaring the wonderful works of God (Psalm 107: 8, 15, 21).
c) God delights in our speaking about His wonderful works to the children of men.
Our faith in God is that much more encouraged and strengthened along the way.
Our challenge is to speak about God and His works with much joy in our heart.