Daily Devotions


Day 349

Psalm 141:8a "But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord..."

Day 349 – Psalm 141

“But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord…” Psalm 141:8a


It may be difficult to imagine the need to pray to be preserved unless we comprehend the troublous times David was in. In the following text we have an attempt to describe the rough times David faced.

1. The context described (Psalm 141:6-10)

a) Judges are overthrown by the edges of the cliff.
i) Judges were intimidated.
ii) If they did not comply to demands made on them they would be killed.
iii) They would be literally thrown down cliffs.
iv) The sweet words of David the King were cast aside.
b) Bones are scattered indiscriminately.
i) This is a reference to murder.
ii) The wicked scattered the corpses everywhere even in the fields.
iii) No proper burial was given to the people killed.
c) Snares and traps were laid.
i) For the innocent.
ii) David was not spared.

2. A Prayer for preservation is correct (Psalm 141:6-8)

a) God must be the Place where one takes refuge.
b) Faith in the Lord must be exercised.
i) Eyes are fixed on the Lord.
ii) Prayers are offered to the Lord.
c) Prayer to be kept or preserved alive.
d) Prayer that the wicked would be entrapped by their own snares.
This would be “poetic justice”.