Daily Devotions


Day 16

"Kiss the Son..." Psalm 2:12

Text: Psalm 2


This Messianic Psalm appropriately concludes with reference to the Royal only-begotten Son of God.

“Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are those who put their trust in Him.”

Psalm 2:12

1. “Kiss the Son”

a) This is a metaphorical reference.
b) The following significance may be drawn:
i) Reconciliation to the King (The “Son” in this context).
ii) Acceptance of the King.
iii) Submission to the King.
iv) Allegiance to the King as His subjects.

2. “Lest He be angry”

a) This is not a reference to the Royal King becoming petty in His response.
b) Rather it is a reference to His judicial right:-
i) To deal with enemies as they deserve.
ii) To battle and subdue them.
iii) Ultimately it would be total destruction because the battle is with the Lord Himself.
iv) Divine authority and power would have to be deployed and defeat is inevitable.

3. Blessed are those who put their trust in Him

Indeed, those who have found wisdom would recognize who the Son really is! Those who have learned to trust in Him would be greatly blessed!