Daily Devotions


Day 278

Psalm 35:15 "In my adversity they rejoiced..."

Day 278 – Psalm 35

“In my adversity they rejoiced…” Psalm 35:15


Whatever kindness David had shown to his friends were soon forgotten. When adversity came to David, these “friends” turned against him!

“But in my adversity they rejoiced and gathered together;
Attackers gathered against me, and I did not know it;
They tore at me and did not cease; With ungodly mockers
at feasts they gnashed at me with their teeth.”
Psalm 35:15-16

1. “In my adversity”

In life there will always be good and tough times. David had his share of both.

2. The false friends

a) They rejoiced on hearing about David’s adversity.
b) They gathered together
i) As if to exchange news about David’s adversity.
ii) As if to celebrate David’s tough circumstances in life.
c) The people who gathered together:-
i) False friends
ii) Known attackers
iii) Ungodly mockers
d) Their unholy fellowship
i) Their main conversation seemed to be about David.
ii) They tore at him (in their conversations with each other).
iii) They did not cease to think and speak evil against David.
3. Initially

David initially could say with all innocence, “I did not know it” (Psalm 35:15d). It took some time before the truth settled upon his heart! His friends had betrayed him!