Daily Devotions


Day 308

Psalm 38:11a "My loved ones and my friends stand aloof from me..."

Day 308 – Psalm 38

“My loved ones and my friends stand aloof from me…” Psalm 38:11a


David continued to plead with the Lord in humble prayer. The Lord would surely hear his prayer! He must keep praying.

“My loved ones and my friends stand aloof from
my plague, And my relatives stand afar off.”
Psalm 38:11

1. “My plague”

This is a veiled reference to the plight David found himself in. The word “plague” was used because no one dared to draw near to him.

2. Three groups of people that mattered to David stood far away from him

a) Loved ones (immediate family)
b) Friends (close friends)
c) Relatives (extended family)

David felt utterly alone, bereft of any possible comfort or help they could give to him in his hour of need.


David also felt that his enemies were even more actively plotting against him. What better time to attack him than when he felt so low in his life? David made another strong appeal to God’s mercy and compassion as he poured out his heart further.

“Those also who seek my life lay snares for me;
Those who seek my hurt speak of destruction,
And plan deception all the day long.”
Psalm 38:12

1. The enemies of David

a) They sought his life.
b) They spoke of destroying him.

2. The sinister plans of the enemies

a) They laid snares.
b) They planned deception.