Encouragement is vital if we are to be able to hold fast to our faith in the Lord. Mercifully, encouragement may be found from many sources. The following text teaches us how we may be a source of encouragement to others.
“And let us consider one another in order
to stir up love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
1. “And let us consider one another”
a) We are a family of God.
b) We are brethren to each other.
c) We must practise this wonderful reality of being linked to each other.
2. “In order”
a) There must be a great sense of purpose in our heart.
b) We must never lose sight of our goals.
i) To hold fast to our confession of our faith.
ii) To emulate the glorious example of our Lord Jesus Christ.
3. “Love”
a) Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of developing this quality.
b) He exemplified it in His life.
c) This must abound more and more (Philippians 1:9).
4. “Good works”
a) Faith must be evidenced by good works.
b) There are many opportunities to do good works.
c) Much encouragement can come to the heart through maintaining good works.