Daily Devotions
Psalm 44:8a "In God we boast all day long..."
Day 24 – Psalm 44
“In God we boast all day long…” Psalm 44:8a
The word “boast” may have negative overtones in today’s usage. However, the Biblical use of the word “boast” does not have any negative connotations at all. This word may be translated as “exultation”. The nation of Israel had every reason to exult in the Lord.
“In God we boast all day long,
And praise Your name forever.”
Psalm 44:8
1. “In God we boast all day long”
What are some of the things Israel could “boast” of when they thought about the Lord? Let us ponder the following thoughts:-
a) A unique relationship between God and Israel
i) Israel had a special Abrahamic covenant with God (Genesis 12, 15).
ii) It was a Covenant that God faithfully honoured (Exodus 3:6-7).
iii) The Lord was indeed the King of Israel (Psalm 44:4).
b) Unique Divine Help
i) In the establishing of Israel in the land of Canaan (Psalm 44:2).
ii) In God’s mighty right hand raised against Israel’s many enemies (Psalm 44:3)
iii) In His delivering of the nation time and time again (Psalm 44:7)
2. “And praise Your name forever”
The praise of God’s name should be the most natural response of those who have experienced the Divine deliverance! Praising the name of the Lord was part and parcel of the Levitical ministry (Deuteronomy 10:8).
3. Recalling an ancient Mosaic teaching
Let us recall Moses’ teaching as to how the highest reverence for God should be given!
“You shall fear the LORD your God; you shall serve Him,
And to Him you shall hold fast, and take oaths in His name.
He is your praise, and He is your God, who has done for you
these great and awesome things which your eyes have seen.”
Deuteronomy 10:20-21