Psalm 51:10b "Renew a steadfast spirit within me..."
Day 121 – Psalm 51
“Renew a steadfast spirit within me…” Psalm 51:10b
David proved his sincerity of spirit when he sought more than cleansing. Some seek cleansing to assuage a conscience that accuses. Others seek cleansing to have peace of heart and mind. David went further.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
1. “Create in me a clean heart”
a) David was not merely asking for a cleansed heart.
b) He was actually pleading that God would create a brand new heart.
c) He was looking for transformation and not mere reformation.
2. “O God”
a) This plea was made consciously to God as Creator.
b) Only He can create a clean heart for David.
3. “And renew a steadfast spirit within me”
a) A new and clean heart wasn’t all that David desired and prayed for.
b) The clean heart must be given strong support or it can falter and fail badly again.
c) David desired a renewed steadfast spirit.
d) What are some features of a steadfast spirit?
i) It would be strong and courageous.
ii) It would not yield to sin easily.
iii) It would be faithful to the Lord who had forgiven him of so much.
iv) This steadfast spirit would have a strong sense of loyalty to God.