Daily Devotions


Day 154

Psalm 55:2b "I am restless..."

Day 154 – Psalm 55

“I am restless…” Psalm 55:2b


David may have been many things in his life. He was a warrior, a king and also a psalmist. But he was also very human. The following text describes how he felt as he faced yet another tough set of circumstances in his life.

“Attend to me, and hear me;
I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily.”
Psalm 55:2

1. “Attend to me, and hear me”

a) There is no mistaking the great sense of urgency in David’s words.
b) He asked that God would give him full attention.

2. Reasons for this approach in prayer to God

a) “I am restless”
i) There was no sense of calmness in David’s heart and mind.
ii) There was just a disturbing sense of disquiet.
iii) He felt restless from deep within his spirit.
b) “In my complaint”
i) He felt his spirit inclined towards complaining.
ii) He might have wished that he was in better control of himself but he was unable to master himself.
c) “And moan noisily”
i) This spirit of restlessness caused him to moan out loud.
ii) He must have sighed and groaned much.
iii) The petition (“complaint”) he would bring to God reflected how he felt deep within.