Daily Devotions


Day 202

Psalm 59:7 "For they say, 'Who hears?"

Day 202 – Psalm 59

“For they say, ‘Who hears?” Psalm 59:7


David’s understanding of prayer was deep! He knew that it was the prerogative of God to hear prayers and to answer according to His Divine wisdom. However he also understood that it was his prerogative to present to God all relevant details. In the following text, he makes another attempt to describe the wicked enemies who were baying for his blood.

“At evening they return, they growl like a dog,
And go all around the city.
Indeed, they belch with their mouth;
Swords are in their lips;
For they say, ‘Who hears?'”
Psalm 59:6-7

1. Imagery of scavenger dogs

a) These were stray dogs (versus domesticated home pet dogs).
b) Scavenger dogs could be very fierce and vicious.
c) They are forever searching for food.
d) They are never contented but growl all the time.

2. Imagery of belligerent enemies

a) They belch with their mouth.
i) A description of people who eat so much they belch.
ii) Belching in the eastern world was a common expression of people who have had their fill.
iii) These enemies have had their fill of killing people and they belch!
b) Swords are in their lips.
i) These wicked enemies had an enormous appetite for bloodshed.
ii) Though they had slain many, yet their swords were not sheathed.
iii) Even as they spoke “swords” were on their lips.
c) For they say, “Who hears?”

The wicked enemies were displaying great arrogance towards David, and even to the Lord God of hosts! They had ruled out the possibility of God hearing David’s prayers!