Daily Devotions


Day 212

Psalm 60:1d "O restore us again..."

Day 212 – Psalm 60

“O restore us again…” Psalm 60:1d


When we think of battles, we often think only in terms of enemies external. In the superscription of Psalm 60, external enemies were mentioned. These were the Mesopotamians, the Syrians and the Edomites.

From David’s perspective we learn that there was another battle that was being waged. This was a battle that he had to fight internally. He had to fight fears of being defeated in battle and being killed by the enemies. This is intimated in the following text.

“O God, You have cast us off;
You have broken us down;
You have been displeased;
O restore us again!”
Psalm 60:1

1. The involvement of God

a) It was normal practice to speak of God’s involvement in Israel’s war.
b) This has deep historical roots.
i) Moses invoked God’s help while Joshua fought the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).
ii) The Angel of the Lord proclaimed Himself the Commander-in-Chief to Joshua (Joshua 5:13-15).
iii) In the period of The Judges, again and again God raised up special leaders to deliver the nation of Israel from their many enemies.

2. Success and Defeat

a) Success was linked to God’s favour.
b) Defeat was linked to falling out of God’s favour.

3. Deep fears expressed

a) God had cast off Israel.
b) He had broken down the army of Israel.
c) He had been displeased with Israel. (There may have been people who had sinned gravely against God and hence He was showing His anger by allowing Israel to suffer defeat.)

4. O restore us again

David knew that success depended on God’s favour. As King, he must pray and seek restoration!