Daily Devotions


Day 289

Psalm 68:15a "Mountain of God..."

Day 289 – Psalm 68

“Mountain of God…” Psalm 68:15a


David employed a number of titles to describe God in Psalm 68.

1. He was simply called “God” (Psalm 68:1a).

2. He was also addressed as YAH or LORD (Psalm 68:4).

3. He was further addressed as Lord (Psalm 68:11).

Each title was used with great carefulness. Different attributes of God are associated with His actions. The titles reveal special attributes of God.


In the following text, David employed another term for God.

“When the Almighty scattered kings in it,
It was white as snow in Zalmon.
A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan;
A mountain of many peaks is the mountain of Bashan.”
Psalm 68:14-15

1. “The Almighty”

a) This name was revealed to Abraham.
b) The focus was to highlight His almighty power.
c) There was a special play on words:-
i) Zalmon- read “Black mountain”.
ii) White as snow- a reference to the white bones of enemies scattered on the mountain of Zalmon.
d) God’s almighty power is clearly displayed in the defeat of many enemies.

2. “A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan”

a) Bashan was a synonymous term to describe a rich and flourishing country.
b) God’s mountain may indeed be compared with the mountain of Bashan. It would be blessed with great prosperity.