Daily Devotions


Day 322

Psalm 71:3a "Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually..."

Day 322 – Psalm 71

“Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually…” Psalm 71:3a


Trust in God must go beyond a simple declaration of faith in Him. Trust in God is something that must be practised diligently.

“Be my strong refuge, to which I may resort continually;
You have given the commandment to save me,
For You are my rock and my fortress.”
Psalm 71:3

1. Strong imagery of God

a) As a strong refuge
b) As a Rock
c) As a fortress

2. Common imagery in the Book of Psalms

a) The imagery above was actively employed by the psalmist David (Psalm 18:2).
b) The imagery was personally applied by the author of Psalm 71. (Note the use of the personal pronoun “my” which was employed three times.)

3. “To which I may resort continually”

a) The author expressed a personal desire to turn to God continually.
b) He was not merely asking to be delivered from his problems.
c) He was declaring that he would seek God diligently and faithfully.

4. “You have given the commandment to save me”

a) This could be a general reference to God’s commandments.
i) God promised His help to all who trusted in Him.
ii) These promises of God were personalised by the author.
b) This could also be a reference to a special and personal revelation from the Lord to the author who obviously had a strong personal faith in Him.