Daily Devotions


Day 330

Psalm 71:10a "For my enemies speak against me..."

Day 330 – Psalm 71

“For my enemies speak against me…” Psalm 71:10a


Why did the psalmist feel such palpable fears? Perhaps the following text would give us a clue as to the source of his fears.

“For my enemies speak against me;
And those who lie in wait for my life take counsel together,
Saying, ‘God has forsaken him; pursue and take him,
for there is none to deliver him.'”
Psalm 71:10-11

1. Clear identification of the adversaries

a) These were enemies.
b) These were people who laid in wait to do harm.

2. Attacks planned

a) Verbal campaign
i) Verbal attacks can be devastating.
ii) The damage inflicted can be deep and difficult to heal.
b) Conspiracy
i) Many conspiracy theories are not well-found on facts.
ii) This conspiracy was not a figment of an over-wrought imagination.
c) Content of verbal attack
i) God had forsaken.
ii) God will not grant Divine help and deliverance.
d) Encouragement to attack
i) To pursue
ii) To capture

The false belief that God would forsake those who trust in Him must be rejected!