Daily Devotions


Day 347

Psalm 73:4a "He will bring justice to the poor of the people..."

Day 347 – Psalm 72

“He will bring justice to the poor of the people…” Psalm 73:4a


Justice must prevail in the land! Solomon recognised the need of establishing justice when he wrote the following text.

“He will bring justice to the poor of the people…”
Psalm 72:4a

1. “He will bring justice”

a) The king was not just a political head.
b) He was also the head of the judiciary.
c) He must appoint only good and righteous people to function as judges.
d) The king must personally stand for justice and champion its cause.

2. “The poor of the people”

a) The poor often end up as victims.
b) They must be defended by the justice that would be upheld.
c) Every single citizen must have assurance that in his kingdom justice would prevail.

3. A word of warning

a) This would serve as a word of warning to all wicked lawbreakers.
b) This would serve as a word of warning against all corrupt officials.

4. A word of encouragement

a) This would be a word of encouragement to all who fought on the side of justice.
b) This would bring great encouragement to the poor and downtrodden.


The following were key words in the new reign of Solomon: Righteousness, Peace and Justice. If these were to be pursued, then God would surely bless the nation abundantly!