Psalm 72:13a "He will spare the poor and needy..."
Day 358 – Psalm 72
“He will spare the poor and needy…” Psalm 72:13a
What can the poor and needy do when they are at the end of their tether? The wisest thing to do would surely be to cry out for Divine intervention. How would the Messiah-King respond to their desperate cries for help?
“He will spare the poor and needy,
And will save the souls of the needy.” Psalm 72:13
1. “The poor and needy”
a) They are now grouped together.
b) Those who oppress them do not distinguish them at all.
c) They are virtually one and the same.
d) They are just victims.
2. “He will spare”
a) The word “spare” is an emotive word.
b) Imagine the cry of the poor and needy.
c) They plead with their oppressors to spare them.
d) Wicked oppressors however will not spare them for they feel no compassion.
e) However the Messiah-King will respond differently; He will look upon them with loving compassion.
f) He will spare them from death even if they may seem to be severely wounded.
3. “And will save the souls of the needy”
a) One important idea is that of offering an escape from dire circumstances.
b) Another idea is that of meeting the spiritual needs of the poor and needy.
c) The third idea is that the King understands the deeper needs of the poor.