An appropriate response must be made when one has been redeemed so wondrously! The following text reveals how the redeemed should respond. Four things may be observed:-
“And He shall live;
And the gold of Sheba will be given to Him;
Prayer also will be made for Him continually,
And daily He shall be praised.” Psalm 72:15
1. “And He shall live”
a) This would represent the grateful cry of the poor and needy.
b) They will say, “Long live the King!”
2. “And the gold of Sheba will be given to Him”
a) There is a hint that the people from Sheba have experienced deliverance.
b) Their response would be to offer gifts of gold out of deep appreciation for their redemption.
3. “Prayer also will be made for Him continually”
a) This is an appropriate response.
b) The Messiah-King is seen as a physical Being.
c) Perhaps not all have fully understood that He is also Divine.
d) Praying for the King is an appropriate thing to do.
i) Prayer that He would live forever.
ii) Prayer that He would always uphold righteousness and justice.
iii) Prayer that He would always care for the poor and needy.
4. “And daily He shall be praised”
Praise would be the most natural response of the redeemed. The heart of those who have experienced redemption would be that of offering daily praise to God!