Daily Devotions


Day 25

Psalm 73:24a "You will guide me with Your counsel..."

Day 25 – Psalm 73

“You will guide me with Your counsel…” Psalm 73:24a


It must have been with a great sense of relief and joy that Asaph returned to his meditating on God. His heart and mind had not dwelt on the Lord, because he was thinking about the wicked and their prosperity. Temporarily, he was derailed. He now returned to his focus on God.

“You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.”
Psalm 73:24

1. Hope on earth

a) God will hold his right hand.
b) God will guide in everything.
c) He will give perfect counsel.

2. Our part

a) To seek God.
b) To trust Him.
c) To pray when things seem difficult to comprehend.
d) To meditate on God’s counsel.
i) Revealed in the Scriptures.
ii) Explained in answer to prayer.

3. Hope of heaven

a) There is an “afterward” beyond this earthly life.
b) There is clear and strong faith evidenced by Asaph.
c) God will receive the faithful who trust in Him.
d) He will receive them into glory.
e) Meditation on God brings a powerful sense of peace and joy.