Daily Devotions


Day 53

Psalm 75:3b "I set up its pillars firmly."

Day 53 – Psalm 75

“I set up its pillars firmly.” Psalm 75:3b


The psalmist expressed a great sense of anxiety in Psalm 74. He complained about the destruction of the temple, and about the oppression of the poor… among other things. But he need not have worried at all.


God was always in absolute control, even when things seemed to have gone awry.

“The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved;
I set up its pillars firmly.”
Psalm 75:3

1. “The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved”

a) This may well have expressed the deep fears of the palmist Asaph.
b) He was concerned that the wicked would destroy everything.
c) The wicked were quite capable of attempting to dissolve the earth and all its inhabitants!

2. “I set up its pillars firmly”

a) God assured the psalmist Asaph that his fears were unfounded.
b) God has set certain “pillars firmly”.
i) Just as He had set boundaries for the sea and the land, so God had set certain pillars to govern life on earth.
ii) These pillars will ensure that the earth cannot be destroyed by the wicked.
iii) These are invisible pillars but they are nonetheless very real and they govern the whole earth.
c) What are some of these pillars?
i) Wickedness cannot cross the boundaries God has set.
ii) When wickedness seems to have the upper hand God will raise up the righteous to challenge the power of the wicked.
iii) Righteousness will never be destroyed by evil.
iv) God will intervene at the right time.