Daily Devotions


Day 55

Psalm 75:7a "God is the Judge..."

Day 55 – Psalm 75

“God is the Judge…” Psalm 75:7a


Everyone wants to get ahead in life. This goes for both the wicked and boastful too. These imagine that if they were to exert forceful power they would make significant advancement in life.

“For exaltation comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another.”
Psalm 75:6-7

1. “Exaltation comes neither”

a) From the east
b) Nor from the west
c) Nor from the south
These are references to human allies and relationships. Many depend on such relationships to advance in life.

2. “But God is the Judge”

a) God must be given due consideration.
b) Advancement in life depends on the Lord.
c) He is the Judge who has the final say.

3. “He puts down one”

a) The wicked will be put down.
b) The boastful will also be put down.
c) The stiff-necked ones will likewise be put down.

4. “And exalts another”

a) The righteous may feel down-trodden but they must take heart.
b) God can exalt the righteous who look up to Him in faith and hope.
c) Exaltation in life depends ultimately on the Lord as Judge.