Daily Devotions
Psalm 76:3a "There He broke the arrows of the bow..."
Day 61 – Psalm 76
“There He broke the arrows of the bow…” Psalm 76:3a
Psalm 74 was a contemplative lament on the destruction of Jerusalem. This psalm was written out of deep anguish of heart. Many petitions were raised up to God to rise up to punish the evildoers who desecrated the temple.
Psalm 75 was a reply from God. He would not let wickedness prevail. He would indeed punish the wicked for their evil deeds.
Psalm 76 follows on to describe how God would defeat the enemy. This psalm on the defeat of the enemy is best understood prophetically.
The psalmist described God’s personal involvement in defending His city and His own people.
“There He broke the arrows of the bow,
The shield and sword of battle.”
Psalm 76:3
1. The theology of Righteous War
a) Where God is personally involved.
b) Where God will battle the wicked Himself.
c) Where God will punish the wicked for their evil deeds.
2. The Lord as a Mighty King fighting for His people
a) The LORD will fight for you (Exodus 14:14).
b) The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is His name (Exodus 15:3).
3. There He broke the arrows of the bow, the shield and sword of battle
a) This is best understood prophetically.
b) Babylon will be destroyed in battle one day.
c) God will raise up an enemy that will destroy the Babylonians.
d) God did indeed raise up the Medes and the Persians and they effectively destroyed Babylon.
The prophet Isaiah was one of the prophets of God who prophesied the fall and destruction of Babylon. In Isaiah 13, the destruction of Babylon was called “The Day of the LORD” (Isaiah 13:6,9). In this chapter God named the people who would destroy Babylon. The Medes would be the nemesis of Babylon (Isaiah 13:17).