Daily Devotions


Day 101

Psalm 77:19c "Your footsteps were not known."

Day 101 – Psalm 77

“Your footsteps were not known.” Psalm 77:19c


We have an interesting note about “way of God” in the following text.

“Your way was in the sea,
Your path in the great waters,
And Your footsteps were not known.”
Psalm 77:19

1. Two different mentions of the way of God are noted:-

a) “Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary…” (Psalm 77:13a)
b) “Your way was in the sea.” (Psalm 77:19a)

The phrase “Your path in the great waters” is a poetic re-statement of the line above.

2. How are they distinguished?

a) Is God’s way in the sanctuary?
i) Yes!
ii) God’s way is best understood when we stand in awe of Him in worship.
iii) It is good to take time out to be still before the Lord in His sanctuary.
iv) There, in the stillness of the sanctuary, we will fathom His ways.
b) Is God’s way also in the sea (in the great waters)?
i) Yes!
ii) God’s way is not necessarily passive.
iii) His ways are indeed in the sea and the great waters.
iv) This phrase describes God in action.

3. Your footsteps were not known.

a) It is unwise to “pigeon-hole” the ways of God.
b) God is not limited by our thoughts or our understanding.
c) God can plant His footsteps in the sanctuary or in the great waters. His footsteps are not always fully revealed to man!