Daily Devotions


Day 86

Psalm 77:6c "And my spirit makes diligent search."

Day 86 – Psalm 77

“And my spirit makes diligent search.” Psalm 77:6c


We have a glimpse of how the spirit of Asaph was deployed in his battle to overcome his feelings of being overwhelmed.

“And my spirit makes diligent search.”
Psalm 77:6c

1. Physically

a) Asaph was physically worn out.
b) He was fighting insomnia.

2. Emotionally

a) He was on the verge of despair.
b) He felt overwhelmed.

3. Enter the spirit

a) That which had not thrown in the towel was his spirit.
b) The invisible and immaterial part of him would now enter into a great spiritual battle.

4. And my spirit makes diligent search

a) The spirit of man has many faculties.
i) It has an intellectual faculty for it can make diligent search.
ii) It is associated with the human will and has enough strength to overcome negative emotions.
iii) It is that part that connects with God and thus it is able to draw life and strength from above.
b) Makes diligent search.
i) The spirit must exercise due diligence.
ii) It must search out and find answers to problems that have caused despair to set in.
iii) God made man’s spirit in His own image and it thus has capacity to overcome negative and depressive inclinations.