Daily Devotions


Day 93

Psalm 77:10a "This is my anguish..."

Day 93 – Psalm 77

“This is my anguish…” Psalm 77:10a


Negative thoughts and feelings will inevitably cause us to feel anguish. This was candidly admitted by the psalmist Asaph.

“And I said, ‘This is my anguish;
But I will remember the years of the right hand
of the Most High.'”
Psalm 77:10

1. “This is my anguish”

a) This was self-created.
b) Too many doubts were allowed to creep in.
c) Too many negative emotions were allowed to rise up.
d) Anguish
i) Pain is felt.
ii) This pain can be felt at the deepest level- the very soul of the individual.

2. “But I will remember”

a) This is the beginning of the fight-back.
b) Negative thinking must be resisted vigorously.
c) The psalmist makes a valiant effort to “remember”.

3. “The years of the right hand of the Most High”

a) Right hand (Exodus 15:6)
i) Symbolic phrase.
ii) Representing the blessings of God.
b) The Most High
i) A reference to God.
ii) He is called “The Most High” because His power and sovereignty are in mind.
iii) There is now a proper sense of reverence for the Lord (instead of negative thoughts).