Daily Devotions
Psalm 78:41a "Again and again they tempted God..."
Day 138 – Psalm 78
“Again and again they tempted God…” Psalm 78:41a
How serious is this problem of testing (tempting God)? Satan sought to test Jesus by asking Him to jump off the pinnacle of the temple (Matthew 4:5). His argument was based on the presumption that God would surely send His angels to protect Jesus from all harm and danger. To this temptation Jesus wisely and firmly remarked.
“It is written again,
‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.'”
Mathew 4:7
The psalmist had this to say about the children of Israel in the wilderness.
“Yes, again and again they tempted God,
And limited the Holy One of Israel.”
Psalm 78:41
1. “Yes, again and again they tempted God”
a) The word “tempt” is simply “test”.
b) They tested God again and again.
c) The reference is with provision of water and food.
2. Significance of this statement
a) Despite being provided for they still doubted.
b) They doubted that God would provide as He promised.
c) They doubted that God could provide so abundantly.
d) Their constant complaining were typical expression of their testing God.
3. “And limited the Holy One of Israel”
a) What “limiting” means:
i) Doubts concerning the extent of the power of God.
ii) Doubts concerning the genuineness of God’s concern for His people.
b) Limiting is another expression of sin.
After all that God had shown of His great powers, limiting Him would be nothing less than sin.
How could the children of God limit their great Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel?