Daily Devotions


Day 139

Psalm 78:42a "They did not remember His power..."

Day 139 – Psalm 78

“They did not remember His power…” Psalm 78:42a


God’s intention for the children of Israel to take the longer route to Canaan was to help them develop a strong and happy relationship with Him. This was a great opportunity to learn much more about the Lord. Had they learned the right lessons they would have become a great nation wonderfully blessed by God. Sadly, this was not the case.


The sad reality was that the children of Israel had many lapses of memory where their faith in God was concerned.

“They did not remember His power:
The day when He redeemed them from the enemy.”
Psalm 78:42

1. “They did not remember”

a) This was a rebuke to the children of Israel.
b) They had allowed themselves to forget.

2. Reasons for such forgetfulness

a) They took God for granted.
b) They did not dwell on what God had done.
c) They did not learn the necessary spiritual lessons.
d) They did not take the trouble to constantly remind themselves.

3. “His power”

a) Great power was displayed.
b) Divine power was pitted against the might of Egypt.
c) Mighty Egypt bit the dust!

4. “The day when He redeemed them from the enemy”

a) On that day, many firstborn offspring were slain.
b) Only Israel was protected and the Angel of the Lord passed over the children of Israel.
c) Some days were meant to be remembered more than others. The Day of Redemption was not meant to be forgotten!