Daily Devotions
Psalm 78:43a "He worked His signs in Egypt..."
Day 140 – Psalm 78
“He worked His signs in Egypt…” Psalm 78:43a
The wondrous works of God were never meant to be forgotten. Asaph was not the only Biblical writer who sought to help Israel to remember the mighty works of God. He was one among many who sought to recall all that God had done for the children of Israel.
“When He worked His signs in Egypt,
And His wonders in the field of Zoan.”
Psalm 78:43
1. “His signs… and His wonders”
a) When Moses began performing God’s miracles Pharaoh was not impressed.
b) His court magicians seemed to be able to perform miracles too.
i) They could turn their rods into snakes (Exodus 7:11-12).
ii) They could even turn water into blood (Exodus 7:22).
iii) They could bring up frogs (Exodus 8:7).
c) In time, as more plagues descended on the nation of Egypt the magicians cried out.
i) They could not produce lice (Exodus 8:18).
ii) They concluded:
“This is the finger of God.”
Exodus 8:19
“Do you not yet know that Egypt is destroyed?”
Exodus 10:7d
2. He worked
a) It was not Moses or Aaron who performed these signs and wonders.
b) It was God… and Moses and Aaron were but His servants.
3. In Egypt… in Zoan
a) Egypt- A reference to the whole nation.
b) Zoan… a Reference to one of the ancient and well-known cities of Egypt.
c) All Egypt knew and stood in awe of the Power of God displayed.
Sadly, the children of God did not fully appreciate these great displays of Divine Power.