Daily Devotions


Day 166

Psalm 78:72a "According to the integrity of his heart..."

Day 166 – Psalm 78

“According to the integrity of his heart…” Psalm 78:72a


God had chosen well! The following text was written to honour King David and to praise God for His care for His own people.

“So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.”
Psalm 78:72

1. “So he shepherded them”

a) David was a shepherd at heart.
b) He applied the lessons he had learned in his younger days to the challenge of ruling the nation of Israel.
c) There were certain principles that were essentially the same.

2. “According to the integrity of his heart”

a) The principle of integrity was needed as a shepherd or a king.
b) Integrity speaks of character.
c) Without integrity of character the king could easily abuse his authority as King Saul did.

3. “And guided them”

a) As a shepherd David would guide his sheep from one pasture to another.
b) The way to rule Israel was to provide guidance.
c) He would never use force as a means to lead the nation.

4. “By the skillfulness of his hands”

a) A good shepherd needs to be very skillful.
i) He needed skill to know where the good pastures were.
ii) He needed skill to effectively protect the flock from wild animals.
b) A good king needs to have similar skills.
i) He must have prudence to lead skillfully.
ii) He must have courage to go into battle for his nation.