Daily Devotions


Day 187

Psalm 80:8 "You have brought a vine out of Egypt..."

Day 187 – Psalm 80

“You have brought a vine out of Egypt…” Psalm 80:8


The psalmists were very good at employing imagery. Asaph used an amazing imagery to describe Israel in the following text.

“You have brought a vine out of Egypt;
You have cast out the nations, and planted it.
You prepared room for it,
And caused it to take deep root,
And it filled the land.”
Psalm 80:8-9

1. Imagery used in Psalm 80

a) Israel as a flock of sheep (Psalm 80:1).
b) Israel as a vine (Psalm 80:8).

2. The planting of a Vine

a) “You prepared room for it”
i) In order for a vine to grow well it must have room (space).
ii) God prepared space for Israel to grow in.
b) “You have cast out the nations, and planted it”
i) Wicked nations were cast out to make room for Israel to grow up well.
ii) Then God planted the vine (Israel) in the land of Canaan.

3. “And caused it to take deep root”

a) God gave every opportunity for Israel to sink in deep roots.
b) Great teaching was given to the nation.
c) Effective leaders were provided (e.g. Joshua).
d) Divine help was given so that Israel may become deeply rooted in faith.
e) No effort was spared to ensure good growth for the vine.

Asaph was recalling all the work God had put in to develop the nation. Would God now turn away His anger and grant restoration to His people, Israel?