Daily Devotions
Psalm 80:12a "Why have You broken down her hedges..."
Day 190 – Psalm 80
“Why have You broken down her hedges…” Psalm 80:12a
Asaph brought out an intriguing concept- “hedges”. What did he mean when he wrote,
“Why have You broken down her hedges…”
Psalm 80:12a
1. What are “hedges”?
a) This is a reference to a protective wall built around the vineyard.
b) This would be a normal thing to do if one was serious about planting a vineyard.
c) This was a reference to the way God especially protected His people.
d) God’s protection and blessing ensured significant growth for Israel.
2. Satan’s charge that God had unfairly protected Job with Divine Hedges
a) Job was a man in whom God delighted.
b) His qualities were fourfold and outstanding:-
i) Blameless
ii) Upright
iii) Fearing God
iv) Shunning evil
c) God blessed Job wonderfully
i) With a good family.
ii) With wealth.
d) Satan argued that it was because of this protective hedge that Job showed devotion to God (Job 1:9-10).
Asaph showed awareness that God had indeed built a hedge around Israel. Hence Israel was able to grow and develop into a nation of significance.
But the nation of Israel in the days of Asaph appeared weak and almost derelict. The country was held in derision by neighbouring hostile countries. Had God removed His protection from His people? What would cause God to return to the days when His face shone on Israel?