Daily Devotions


Day 199

Psalm 81:2a "Raise a song and strike the timbrel..."

Day 199 – Psalm 81

“Raise a song and strike the timbrel…” Psalm 81:2a


Musical instruments were employed to accompany the singing of praise songs. This is clearly indicated in the following text:-

“Raise a song and strike the timbrel,
The pleasant harp with the lute.”
Psalm 81:2

1. Community worship

a) We have a rare glimpse of the kind of worship conducted in the days of Asaph.
b) The above text is a stirring description of communal worship.

2. Raise a song

a) The worship leader may raise a song (that is “call for a certain appropriate song to be sung”).
b) Others in the congregation may also offer suggestions for other songs to be sung.

3. The musicians would then offer their instruments to accompany the song that is raised

Three types or groups of musicians are named:-

a) Those who know how to play the timbrel.
b) Those who know how to play the harp.
c) Those who know how to play the lute.


Worship was developed over the years from the times of the patriarchs to Asaph.

1. Worship in the days of the Patriarchs

a) Raising of an altar.
b) A burnt offering is often given to the Lord.

2. Worship in the days of King David

a) David was largely instrumental in the development of worship (1 Chronicles 25).
b) He was himself a gifted musician.
c) He encouraged the development of choirs, musical instruments to enhance worship.