Daily Devotions


Day 257

Psalm 85:3a "You have taken away all Your wrath..."

Day 257 – Psalm 85

“You have taken away all Your wrath…” Psalm 85:3a


One of the hardest lessons that the children of Israel had to learn was about the wrath of God. Though very difficult to learn, that lesson had to be mastered.

“You have taken away all Your wrath;
You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger.”
Psalm 85:3

1. Interchangeable terms

a) Wrath
b) Anger

2. Fierceness of Your anger

a) Directed against the sinfulness of the children of Israel.
i) Idolatry
ii) Impudence
iii) Impervious to the verbal warnings God gave through the prophets
b) Expressions of the fierce anger of God
i) Collapse of the nation
ii) Calamities
iii) Captured and exiled


The sons of Korah expressed deep gratitude to the Lord for turning away His anger.

1. The anger of God was set aside.

2. There was forgiveness instead.

3. Favour was once again shown to the children of Israel.

4. They were brought back to their homeland.

5. A fresh sense of hope to rebuild was given to Israel.