Daily Devotions


Day 270

Psalm 86:1a "Bow down Your ear, O LORD, hear me..."

Day 270 – Psalm 86

“Bow down Your ear, O LORD, hear me…” Psalm 86:1a

SUPERSCRIPTION: A prayer of David.

This superscription was simply written.

1. The author was identified as King David.

2. This psalm was written as a prayer.


Why do people pray? Why did David write this psalm-prayer to God? The opening lines of his prayer reveal some very basic reasons why David prayed.

“Bow down Your ear, O LORD, hear me;
For I am poor and needy.”
Psalm 86:1

1. “O LORD”

a) David knew God as the LORD.
b) He had found personal faith in God.
c) He had developed a very strong personal relationship with the Lord over many years.
d) Praying to God was the most natural inclination where David was concerned.

2. “Bow down Your ear… hear me”

a) David never took prayer for granted.
b) He thought of God on His magnificent throne in heaven while he was on insignificant earth.
c) Would God “bow down” and “hear (him)”?

3. “For I am poor and needy”

a) In the eyes of many, David was the king of Israel.
b) He had fabulous wealth because he had been a victorious king.
c) David’s perspective of himself was quite different.
d) He saw his “poverty” and his “needs”.
e) His perspective was not “material wealth”. He was more concerned about his spiritual well-being.