Daily Devotions


Day 306

Psalm 88:9a "My eye wastes away because of affliction..."

Day 306 – Psalm 88

“My eye wastes away because of affliction…” Psalm 88:9a


King David was a renowned psalmist. His influence on all who attempted to write psalms was incalculable. Heman seemed to have found inspiration from David’s writings (Psalm 6:6-7; 31:9).

Heman drew a parallel to his circumstances and penned the following words.

“My eye wastes away because of affliction.
LORD, I have called daily upon You;
I have stretched out my hands to You.”
Psalm 88:9

1. “My eye wastes away because of affliction”

a) “Affliction”
i) Of the body
ii) Of the soul
b) My eye wastes away
i) Because of copious shedding of tears.
ii) Because of deep grief felt.

2. “LORD, I have called daily upon You”

a) Heman determined that he would continue to cry out daily to the Lord.
b) He would fulfill his part as a Levite.
i) He would faithfully attend to his duties.
ii) He would pray for the nation faithfully.

3. “I have stretched out my hands to You”

a) This is a reference to an accepted way of praying to God.
b) Outstretched arms is a graphic way of pleading with God.
i) To have pity
ii) To show mercy
iii) To grant deliverance