Daily Devotions


Day 318

Psalm 89:3a "I have made a covenant with My chosen..."

Day 318 – Psalm 89

“I have made a covenant with My chosen…” Psalm 89:3a


The Scriptures describe covenants that God made with different individuals. The following may be cited:-

1. Covenant with Noah Genesis 9:8-17

2. Covenant with Abraham Genesis 15:18-21; 17

3. Covenant with Israel Exodus 24:1-8

4. Covenant with Levi Malachi 2:4-5

Each covenant had its own special significance. Each covenant is worth studying in depth!


Ethan’s focus in Psalm 89 was the covenant God established with King David.

“I have made a covenant with My chosen,
I have sworn to My servant David.”
Psalm 89:3

1. “I have made a covenant with My chosen”

a) The historical reference may be found in 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17.
i) God spoke to David concerning the building of the temple.
ii) David was forbidden to build the temple.
iii) Solomon would build the temple.
iv) God promised to establish the kingdom of David.
b) Ethan described these words of promise from God to David as “a covenant with My chosen”.

2. “I have sworn to My servant David”

a) The usual “formula” for a covenant was noted.
b) God would made a solemn promise to His servant(s).
c) He would take an oath to guarantee that He would fulfill His word.
d) The covenant with David is closely tied to God’s mercy and His faithfulness.