Daily Devotions


Day 324

Psalm 89:9a "You rule the raging of the sea..."

Day 324 – Psalm 89

“You rule the raging of the sea…” Psalm 89:9a


Travel in the ancient days were more limited. The usual way of traveling from one place to another was either by land or by sea. Land travel had its hazards. There were robbers who could waylay travelers. But his danger could be overcome fairly easily. Safety may be found by traveling in caravans with armed guards.


Sea travel was more hazardous. The voyager has no power over the elements of wind and wave. He would have to depend on God totally!

“You rule the raging of the sea;
When its waves rise, You still them.”
Psalm 89:9

1. “The raging of the sea”

a) The most famous of Bible stories involving the sea are the following:-
i) Noah and his ark (Genesis 6-9)
ii) Jonah (Jonah 1-2)
iii) Jesus calming the sea (Matthew 8:23-27)
iv) Jesus walking on the sea (Matthew 14:22-33)
b) Only God could rule the sea.
i) Jesus could rule the sea!
ii) His disciples were astonished at His power!

2. “When its waves rise, You still them”

a) The might of God is still in focus.
God alone has the might to still rising waves.
b) The faithfulness of God is also in focus.
God in His faithfulness will apply His might to protect and preserve His saints.

3. Cultivation of our fear of God

a) Dwelling on the power of God should cause us to fear Him.
b) Dwelling on the faithfulness of God should cause us to revere Him.