Daily Devotions


Day 362

Psalm 89:47a "Remember how short my time is..."

Day 362 – Psalm 89

“Remember how short my time is…” Psalm 89:47a


Ethan added a personal element in the following text. He realised afresh just how short life really was on earth!

“Remember how short my time is;
For what futility have You created all the children of men?”
Psalm 89:47

1. “Remember how short”

a) This does not mean that God forgets and He needs a reminder.
b) This is a special way of pleading with God.
i) To exercise mercy because man’s life on earth is very short.
ii) To exercise forgiveness or time on earth would be both short and sorrowful.

2. “My time is”

a) A personal plea was added.
b) Would God not look at Ethan kindly?
i) Had he not served the Lord faithfully?
ii) If he continued to suffer the wrath of God that was on the nation, he might not survive!

3. “For what futility have You created all the children of men?”

a) A synonym for “futility” would be “vanity” (cf. Book of Ecclesiastes).
b) Man’s pursuits finally end up “in futility”.
i) Fame
ii) Wealth
iii) Success
c) The Apostle Paul concluded that God has subjected man to two things (Romans 8:20):-
i) Futility
ii) Hope