Daily Devotions


Day 10

Psalm 90:13c "Have compassion on Your servants."

Day 10 – Psalm 90

“Have compassion on Your servants.” Psalm 90:13c


What is the most vital prayer when we grapple with the fear of God’s wrath? Moses offers a significant insight as to how we should pray.

“Return, O LORD!
How long?
And have compassion on Your servants.
Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,
That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!”
Psalm 90:13-14

1. “Return, O LORD! How long?”

a) This is an important starting point.
b) What this text signifies
i) Earnestness
ii) Urgency
iii) Recognition that we need God’s presence in our life.
iv) God’s wrath often results in His “absence”.

2. “And have compassion on Your servant”

a) Plead “compassion”
b) Plead “servanthood”
i) God is committed to His servants.
ii) He will hear when His servants cry out to Him.

3. “Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days”

a) Also plead for “mercy”.
i) It takes humility to plead for mercy.
ii) Plead for both “compassion” and “mercy” (They go together).
b) With the return of God’s compassion and mercy, joy and gladness will be experienced again.