Daily Devotions


Day 35

Psalm 93:2a "Your throne is established from of old..."

Day 35 – Psalm 93

“Your throne is established from of old…” Psalm 93:2a


The psalmist sees an important link between the Person of God and the Throne of God.

“Your throne is established from of old;
You are from everlasting.”
Psalm 92:2

1. The theme of God’s throne is of great symbolic significance

a) The throne is a symbol of God’s reign.
b) It is a symbol of God’s sovereignty over all the earth.
c) The psalms that feature the throne of God are sometimes called “royal psalms”.
i) These psalms may feature God as the King (Psalm 29:10).
ii) They may also feature the Messiah as the King of glory (Psalm 24:8-10).

2. “Your throne is established from of old”

a) Every throne must be established.
b) Some thrones do not last for very long; these are not established.
i) The Northern kingdom of Israel had a series of dynasties.
ii) Each dynasty lasted for a brief period of time for they were not established by God.
c) On the contrary God’s throne is firmly established.
i) God’s throne, representing His sovereign reign is a theological truth.
ii) This throne has been established “from of old”.
iii) This phrase simply means that His throne has been established forever (from the beginning of time).

3. “You are from everlasting”

a) The Person of God and His throne are inseparable concepts.
b) As God is from everlasting, so is His throne.
c) God’s throne, that is, His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.