Daily Devotions


Day 55

Psalm 96:2a "Bless His name..."

Day 55 – Psalm 96

“Bless His name…” Psalm 96:2a


The unknown psalmist argues his point further about singing to the Lord in the following text.

“Sing to the LORD, bless His name;
Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.”
Psalm 96:2

1. “Sing to the LORD”

a) He continues to encourage singing as a good way of offering worship.
b) He personally must have found much joy when he practised this consistently.

2. “Bless His name”

a) What does it mean when we speak of blessing God’s name?
b) Let us consider these thoughts in the context of this psalm.
i) It is to praise the Lord.
ii) Singing and blessing the Lord’s name are complementary.
ii) A beautiful way of praising God’s name is through singing good songs of praise.

3. “Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day”

a) We now have three things that are closely allied together.
i) Singing to the Lord.
ii) Blessing His name.
iii) Proclaiming the good news of His salvation.
b) Valid ways of proclaiming God’s salvation.
i) Through speech
ii) Through singing
c) From day to day

This is a great challenge indeed! We are to find renewed inspiration and energy to proclaim God’s salvation daily!