Daily Devotions


Day 66

Psalm 98:1a "Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!"

Day 66 – Psalm 98

“Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!” Psalm 98:1a


We have another call “to sing to the LORD a new song” in Psalm 98. Let us bestir ourselves to consider why the psalmist challenges his readers to attempt this.

“Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!
For He has done marvelous things;
His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.”
Psalm 98:1

1. “Oh, sing to the LORD a new song”

a) This is sent forth as a strong word of exhortation.
b) The Lord deserves to be worshipped and honoured with a new song.
i) This is a gentle word of encouragement to all to compose a new song to the Lord.
ii) This is also a call to the nation to learn how to sing this song well.

2. “For He has done marvelous things”

a) This word explains why a new song ought to be composed and sung to the glory of God.
b) God had done “marvelous things” for His people.

3. Elaboration of the marvelous things God had done

a) “His right hand”
i) This is the usual term to describe God’s personal involvement.
ii) It is also associated with the exercise of great Divine power.
b) “His holy arm”
i) This is an extension of the idea of God’s “right hand”.
ii) God’s power is coupled with “holiness”.
c) “Gained Him the victory”
i) This is an imagery of battle against wicked enemies.
ii) God’s mighty and righteous hand has won Him the victory over all enemies.