Daily Devotions


Day 73

Psalm 99:6c "They called upon the LORD, and He answered them."

Day 73 – Psalm 99

“They called upon the LORD, and He answered them.” Psalm 99:6c


A great God deserves to have good and outstanding people to serve Him. The psalmist highlights a small number of people who stood before the Lord to serve Him.

“Moses and Aaron were among His priests,
And Samuel was among those who called upon His name;
They called upon the LORD, and He answered them.”
Psalm 99:6

1. “Priests”

a) Priests served in two capacities in particular.
i) They represented the worshippers (Israel in context) in prayer.
ii) They were servants of God who proclaimed and taught His word.
b) Three priests were singled out for special mention.
i) Moses was an outstanding intercessor (though he was not technically a priest).
ii) Aaron was the first high priest in the Levitical priesthood.
iii) Samuel was the most outstanding of all the Judges of Israel.

2. “They called upon the LORD”

a) Moses interceded for Israel most effectively (Exodus 32-34).
b) Aaron’s main task was to pray for Israel as the ordained high priest of Israel.
c) Samuel was noted as a man of prayer.

3. “And He answered them”

a) It is one thing to pray.
b) It is another thing to have this statement attached to these servants of God.
i) God heard their prayers.
ii) He answered them.
iii) In so doing, He honoured them (Cf. God honoured Moses and Samuel especially; Jeremiah 15:1).