Daily Devotions


Day 297

"You are no longer walking in love..."

Text: Romans 14:15


We may speak of a doctrine of Christian Love. If we were to put together all that Paul had written on this subject, we would have a very significant doctrine! Let us review the different statements that he has made on the subject of Christian Love in the Epistle to the Romans.

A. God’s Love

1. The Source of Christian love is to be traced to God Himself (Romans 5:5)

2. The Proof (demonstration) of God’s love is most evident (Romans 5:8)

3. Nothing will ever separate us from Christ’s all-encompassing love (Romans 8:35-39)

4. The love of Christ enables believers to be more than conquerors (Romans 8:37)

B. God’s Love to be shown to all

1. Christian love must never be hypocritical (Romans 12:9)

2. There must always be kind affection for each other (Romans 12:10)

3. Love is the fulfillment of the Law (Romans 12:10)


Paul used a distinctive word to describe the Christian life. He used the word “walk” to signify the Christian life. He urged believers to be sure that they exercise sensitive Christian love in their “walk”.

“Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food,
you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food
the one for whom Christ died.”
Romans 14:15

1. An appeal to exercise sensitivity for a weaker brother.

2. A brother can be deeply hurt if insensibility is shown:-

a) It can cause deep grief.
b) It can even “destroy” a brother (his confidence, his joy etc).

3. Walking in love

The stronger Christian is urged to walk in (tender and sensitive) love!