Daily Devotions


Day 313

"Written for our learning..."

Text: Romans 15:4


When God planned to have the Scriptures written, He did so with many purposes in mind. Psalm 78 is one of the most insightful didactic historical psalms and from it the following lessons may be highlighted:-

1. That Israel may ever set its hope upon God (Cf. Psalm 78:7a).

2. That the works of God may not be forgotten (Cf. Psalm 78:7b).

3. That Israel may ever keep the commandments of God (Cf. Psalm 78:7c)

4. That the future generations may not be like its sinful forbears (Cf. Psalm 78:8).


Paul highlighted one of the things he appreciated about the Scriptures.

“For whatever things were written before were written
for our learning…”
Romans 15:4a

In another epistle, Paul made a very similar comment.

“Now all these things happened to them as examples,
and they were written for our admonition…”
1 Corinthians 10:11

Paul cited the Scriptures for good reason.

1. The Scriptures were written for our learning.
a) The Scriptures must therefore be studied carefully.
b) The examples contained in the Scriptures are to be given due consideration.

2. The Example of Christ

a) His example is of supreme significance.
b) His example was meant to be followed.
c) The believer cannot do better than to follow the example of Jesus.
d) He did not please Himself… even if it meant cruel reproach.
e) The faithful believer must seek to do the same- he must not please himself.