Daily Devotions


Day 12

"Whose mouths must be stopped..."

Text: Titus 1:11


The apostle Paul admonished Titus and the bishops to be appointed to actively and strongly resist these deceivers. They would not cease in their activities till they were stopped!

“Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households,
teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.”
Titus 1:11

1. “Whose mouths must be stopped”

a) The word “must” suggests the idea of “necessity”.
b) This is not an option.
c) The idea here is one of “silencing” the idle talkers who go around deceiving people.

2. How may they be stopped?

a) By the strong teaching of the word of God (Titus 1:9).
b) By exhorting the believers not to listen to deceivers.
c) By exposing the deceivers for what they really are.

3. “Who subvert whole households”

a) They go to homes.
b) They sought to subvert the entire household.
c) The word “subvert” has a sinister ring to it for the household can be ruined!

4. “Teaching things which they ought not”

a) The method of the deceivers was through “teaching”.
b) They were teaching wrong doctrines.
c) They kept spreading their false ideas.

5. “For the sake of dishonest gain”

a) Why were the deceivers so active?
b) It was important to expose them for what they were.
c) Their basic motive was to obtain “dishonest gain”.
i) They did not care about the well-being of their converts.
ii) They were not concerned about God or about righteousness.
iii) All they wanted was to make money wherever and however they could.