Daily Devotions


Day 15

"Jewish fables and commandments..."

Text: Titus 1:14


In-depth understanding is always helpful, whether it is with reference to our faith or opponents. Paul urged Titus to have a deeper understanding of the enemies.

“Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments
of men who turn from the truth.”
Titus 1:14

1. “Not giving heed”

a) This stance is important.
b) There must be a consistency in not giving heed to the many and varied sorties of the enemy.
c) It takes much to resist the enemy stoutly.

2. “Jewish fables”

a) The source is identified as of Jewish origin.
b) The word “fables” may also be translated “myths”.
c) This was Paul’s assessment of the teaching promoted by the false teachers.

3. “Commandments of men”

a) Some extend their false teachings.
b) They teach them as “commandments”.
c) Paul made a distinction between
i) The commandments of men
ii) The commandments of God
d) The Lord Jesus Himself made this distinction.
i) Traditions of men were kept.
ii) The commandments of God were set aside.
iii) Matthew recorded the teachings of Jesus carefully (Matthew 15, 23).

4. “Who turn from the truth”

a) “The truth”
i) This is with specific reference to the teachings of the Lord Jesus.
ii) These teachings were taught by the apostles of Christ.
b) “Who turn”

These enemies of the faith had some knowledge of the gospel but they had turned away from it.