Daily Devotions
"Remind them..."
Text: Titus 3:1
As children of God and as people who live on earth we have “dual citizenship”.
1. Our spiritual and heavenly citizenship obligations
a) We are God’s special people.
b) We have Kingdom laws to keep.
2. Our earthly citizenship obligations
a) We are also citizens of a nation (on earth).
b) We also have earthly obligations to fulfil.
The apostle Paul wrote fairly extensively on this subject in his epistle to the Romans (Romans 13). In this word to Titus he summarised Christian obligations to the State.
“Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities,
to obey, to be ready for every good work.”
Titus 3:1
1. “Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities”
a) This is essentially what Paul wrote in Romans 13.
b) Titus would have heard Paul teach on this subject.
c) This admonition was simply a reminder.
d) Submission was to be chosen.
e) Rebellion was to be rejected.
2. “To obey”
a) This means upholding justice.
b) Obedience to the law is sound advice.
3. “To be ready for every good work”
a) As good Christian citizens we ought to be ready to do good works.
b) Doing good works is an excellent way of doing our part for the nation.
c) Many are the challenges rulers and authorities face in ruling a country. They could do with more support and less criticism and condemnation.
In Paul’s first letter he added another good thing to do. Every believer ought to pray for all who are in authority. This approach would truly adorn the doctrines of God. May we stand out as good Christian citizens!