Daily Devotions


Day 15

"Good and comforting words"

Text: Zechariah 1:13


The vision of the Horses was quite complex. Careful notation of details must be done in order to comprehend the vision.

“And the LORD answered the angel who talked to me,
with good and comforting words.”
Zechariah 1:13

1. The scene at the hollow

a) There was a Leader among the horsemen.
i) He rode on a red horse; he was identified as “The Angel of the LORD”.
ii) A number of angelic horsemen were with him.
b) An angelic patrol
i) These walked to and fro observing the earth.
ii) They reported to their leader after they had completed their patrol.

2. The prayer of the Leader

a) He prayed to the LORD of hosts.
b) He sought to know when the LORD would once again show mercy to Jerusalem.

3. The answer was given and related to Zechariah through the teaching angel

a) The LORD of hosts obviously answered the Leader.
(This was however not written down.)
b) This answer was given to the teaching angel.
(This was noted by Zechariah in the above text.)
c) The LORD would show mercy to Judah and to Jerusalem.
(The prayer of the Leader of the angelic patrol was heard and He was given an answer.)

4. The essence of the Divine message

a) It was characterized by “good and comforting words”.
b) The seventy years of captivity were over, and the period of chastening was over.
c) The LORD would once again relate to His people with mercy and good will.