Daily Devotions


Day 51

"This is the curse that goes out"

Text: Zechariah 5:3


The Covenant that God established with Israel had two important component parts:

1. The promise of blessing from God (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

2. The warning of cursing from God (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

Israel had broken the Covenant time and again. The people had little or no regard for the Lord and His words of warning.


This Vision of the Flying Scroll would serve as a strong word of warning to the nation.

“Then he said to me,
‘This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth:
“Every thief shall be expelled,” according to this side of the scroll;
and, “Every perjurer shall be expelled,” according to that side of it.'”
Zechariah 5:3

1. “Then he said to me”

a) The angel continued to teach Zechariah.
b) He explained the contents of the scroll.
i) The scroll was written on both sides.
ii) Curses were written on them.

2. The coverage of the curse

a) It goes out over the face of the earth.
b) The entire earth is under the jurisdiction of the Lord and His judgment.

3. The curse upon the thief

a) Theft is a crime and a sin.
b) The thief thinks he can get away, but he is wrong. He will be dealt with by God!

4. The curse on the perjurer

a) He thinks he can get away with injustice. He is wrong.
b) He will be judged too. He will be expelled from the community of God’s people.